This has been a really wild week.

Last Sunday it snowed and it was so so so fun. When I waked up I had breakfast and then went to the school across the street to go sledding. There was just enough snow! When I was there I saw my friends Lola, Pop and Ivy and we sledded together for 2 hours. Then we all went to my house and had hot cocoa and played with the baby. Then all day we baked different kinds of Christmas cookies. MMMMMM. Yummeh in my tummeh!

Ivy pushing me, Lola and Pop on the toboggan

Ivy pushing me, Lola and Pop on the toboggan

Everyone comed over at our house for hot cocoa. Mmmmmm.

Everyone comed over at our house for hot cocoa. Mmmmmm.

First I make Garner laugh a lot.

First I make Garner laugh a lot...

Then he just sleeps.

Then he just sleeps.

Then the snow never goed away but more came on Thursday and more on Friday. Dad stayed home on Friday and we had Daddy-Dodi Snowfest 2008. We went sledding in the morning. Tried to make a snowman but had a snowball fight instead. Then we walked all the way down our hill to the treehouse cafe for steamed milk with vanilla, whipped cream and chocolate sauce! Then we walked to Walt’s market for milk, bread, ice cream, medicine, and Doritos for a special treat. Then we tied a string to our sled and pulled our groceries all the way up the hill to our house. The walk took over 2 hours! But at least I got vanilla milk and doritos and worked on my muscles.

Heading out on a snow adventure.

Heading out on a snow adventure.

A huge icicle. (Don't worry Mima, I'm not right under it -- it's an optital illusion)

A huge icicle. (Don't worry Mima, I'm not right under it -- it's an optital illusion)

Grocery shopping in the snow is hard work!

Grocery shopping in the snow is hard work!

Tomorrow we’re going to my aunt Leslie and uncle Karl’s for an early Christmas which I am so so so excited about. But there is supposed to be another big storm coming with more snow so we’re not going to stay long. Maybe I’ll get to have another snow day!!!!

Hi Ken! My dad, mom, brother and I hope you’re doing well. Say “hi” to Peter Pan for me!!!!!

Here’s a video of me sledding with Lola, Pop and Ivy and carrying our groceries up the steep steep hill: